Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Journey

 Jake lives in Idaho, born and raised. He is an only child and feels like a lot is expected of him. He graduated from high school with a 4.0. Jake worked for the summer as a server, and often did yard work for his parents. Life was pretty boring, until halfway through the summer, that was when he met Charity. Jake ran into Charity while reading in the library, he didn't want to get behind over the summer, Charity works at the front desk. Every time Jake went to the library he would see Charity, they became great friends. They would go to movies, get ice cream, go on walks, talk. Towards the end of the summer Jake was deciding where to go to college. He was deciding between Harvard(parents choice, really), and Idaho State. Charity and Jake were talking one day, he asked where she was planning to go, she said Idaho State, this made the choice bigger. Should he please his parents and go to Harvard, or go to Idaho State where Charity was going? Jake goes to Idaho State. 

Hero: Jake.
Ordinary World: Idaho, whatever parents say.
Call to Adventure: Which college to go to. 
Special World: Idaho State, wherever Charity is. 


  1. good story!!! its really easy to connect to the struggle your character is going through

  2. Nice work! this is exactly what going on with me my parents want me to go here and I want to go somewhere totally different. I would talk a little more about the special world, like after he gets there.
